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Tag Archives: squat

Top Ten Exercises for Your Legs and Butt Pt. 2

Finally! The last five of the top ten exercises to get your legs and butt in shape for the summer.  Rotate these exercises throughout your routine for the next six -to- twelve weeks and watch your legs shape up fast!

        6.      SUMO SQUAT

                  The first thing to consider when performing this exercise is form.  Once your form is correct you can add some weight.  This squatting movement is difficult but it isn’t as hard to perform as the squat.  Be sure to go down low enough so you engage your quadriceps, hamstrings, and especially your glutes.  This exercise targets the inner thigh/glute area making this a must exercise for bathing suit weather!


                Now that the thighs and hamstrings have gotten some work, focus on your glutes.  This exercise is great for your butt.  It will help tighten and firm that area right up!  Be sure to use a full range of motion on this exercise but do not arch your back during this movement. Keep as much stress on your glutes as possible.  This is one of the BEST exercises to isolate your glutes.   

       8.  SPLIT JUMPS

               Great for overall leg development, coordination, and toning, this exercise is a more advanced move and should only be done once you have mastered walking lunges.  Once you have mastered walking lunges and can progress to this movement, you will know why this should be a staple in your routine. Your legs will shape up like never before!!!


              Why do football players have great legs?  They train them hard!  There isn’t one exercise that will tax every system in you body like up-hill wind sprints.  Start out slow – begin with short sprints, say 20 -30 yards.  Start out by doing sprints for fifteen minutes, only resting long enough back to your original starting point.  Once that is a breeze begin increasing the distance you are sprinting until you are doing 40-60 yard sprints up hill.  At that point everything will be toned! 

        10.    STANDING CALF RAISE

                If you still fell like you need to do a little more toning for your legs and glutes, take the next step and start doing uphill walking lunges.  Do your lunges walking up hill taking long deep strides for 303-40 yards. 

   That’s it!  Now you have the top ten exercises for your legs and butt.  If, you include these exercises into your routine for 6-to-12 weeks and that still doesn’t do the trick, nothing will.  So get to work!   To have a program constructed that will assist you in reaching your fitness goals contact us today!

Malcolm Tears II

Elite In-Home Personal Trainer

Top Ten Exercises for Your Legs and Butt

Here are the top ten exercises to get your legs and butt in shape for the summer.  Rotate these exercises throughout your routine for the next six -to- twelve weeks and watch your legs shape up fast!

        1.      SQUAT

                  The first thing to consider when performing this exercise is form.  Once your form is correct you can add some weight.  This is a tough exercise.  You must be sure to go down low enough so your knees form a 90 degree angle; come back up making sure not to lock your knees out at the top.  This exercise will work your thighs, hamstrings, and your butt… but only if you go ALL THE WAY DOWN!

        2.     WALKING LUNGES

                These are great for your butt.  They will tighten that line between your butt and the back of your leg (hamstring) and keep your glutes from sagging.  It will also help develop separation between your leg muscles so the natural lines in your legs will show as your fitness level increases giving you that long and lean look!   Be sure to use a full range of motion on this exercise as well.  IMPORTANT TIP: Do not go so low that your knee touches the floor; you could injure yourself that way.  Stop a couple inches above the floor.

       3.     LEG PRESS

               Great for overall leg and glute development.  This exercise is great when done using the drop set technique.  This technique is best performed when accompanied by a personal trainer.  Again always use a full range of motion and be make sure you don’t lock your knee’s our so you don’t risk hyper extending your knee.

      4.   WALL SITS

              This exercise is well known to most…. but they are avoided by most! Why?  THEY BURN!   Start with sets that last 30-seconds and add time from there.  Make sure your knee is at a 90 degree angle and be sure to squeeze all your leg muscles – butt, hams, and quads the whole time!  This is an isometric exercise and is great for strengthening and firming!


                Can’t forget about the calves!  Calves finish your legs and butt off and give you a more aesthetically pleasing look.  Walking around with legs and a butt to die for but calves that are non-existent only takes away from the hard work you did to get your legs and buns of steel.  Standing calf raises can be done with or without weight no matter where you are in your training.  Try doing three sets of 100 calf raises each and call me the next day.  I bet you’ll see a difference if you do that for six – to – twelve weeks!

   That’s it!  You only get the first five today.  You can have the last five next week.  Get started on these exercises for now and let me know how you do!


Elite In-Home Personal Trainer